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Elementary School Students - Final Years and High School.

We are a family owned and operated business.

"Entrepreneurial education aims to stimulate the development of skills so that children and young people grow up empowered, self-confident and certain that they are capable of realizing their dreams and life projects."

With the recently approved New BNCC (National Common Curricular Base), the teaching of Financial Education as a Curricular Component at Colégio Bonvenuto, tends to be even more disseminated by contributing directly or indirectly with the 10 General Competencies that are guidelines developed throughout Basic Education, from Elementary School to High School.

The “Bonvenuto Empreendedor,” Project aims to value and appropriate knowledge and experiences to understand the world of work, the financial, economic and business markets, to make choices aligned with citizenship and their life project, with freedom , autonomy, criticality and responsibility.

The project causes a greater engagement in activities in the classroom, apart from the gain of contents that would not be studied if the Company did not exist.

Students are encouraged during the project, so that they have some insights into this entrepreneurial universe, expanding the range of experiences and opportunities, facilitating the construction of their "Life Projects."

The “Bonvenuto Empreendedor” Project will count as a TCC (Course Conclusion Paper), being presented at the end of each year, (from the 6th Elementary to the 3rd High School), to an examining board formed by Professors and Guests, having its final grade used in all Curricular Components of the class.


Specific objectives of the Project:

Teaching about Life Project, Socioemotional Education, Entrepreneurship and Financial Education from an early age, awakening entrepreneurial initiatives and attitudes among young people.

In this sense, it is emphasized that the development of entrepreneurial skills and abilities, makes the student place himself as the great protagonist of his own history, knowing his potential to create opportunities and become agents of transformation.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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